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Skin Care Treatment


Skin Concerns 


Acne i.e. Acne vulgaris, commonly known as a pimple, can exist in various parts of the skin. It can be seen as skin-colored bumps, blackheads, whiteheads, pus-filled nodules, or as deeper cysts. 
Acne predominantly involves blockage and/or inflammation of hair follicles and their accompanying sebaceous (oil) glands. 
A thorough examination of your skin, lifestyle, diet, and hormonal evaluation is done. We identify the cause of acne, we start with the medical treatment, diet, and lifestyle changes. We also have various procedures to help with faster resolution of acne such as chemical peels and lasers. 


Hyperpigmentation is seen as dark spots on the face. This can be due to many reasons: post-acne or any other inflammatory conditions, melasma, freckles, etc. The cause of the pigmentation must be diagnosed and treated accordingly.


Wrinkles are seen in the areas where a person is most expressive, and they occur due to repeated expressions, and due to aging. The most common areas are the forehead, around the eyes, and between eyebrows.


Red itchy skin can be irritating, embarrassing, and stressful. Skin allergies can be caused by many things, including exposure to certain plants, pollen, pet dander, certain medications, or food.  Evaluation and finding out the trigger for the allergy is the main goal of treatment to prevent recurrent episodes. The patient is carefully assessed evaluated, and treated accordingly


Eczema is a condition wherein patches of skin become inflamed, itchy, cracked, and rough leading to severe itching. There are different types of eczema such as Atopic Dermatitis, Asteatotic eczema, Hand and Foot Eczema, and Seborrheic Dermatitis. Various food and environmental triggers can worsen eczemas.  

Psoriasis Treatment in Bangalore


Psoriasis is a common, long-term disease condition that causes red itchy scaly patches over the body, scalp, or palms and soles. It tends to go through flaring for a few weeks or months, especially during winters or in cold climates, then subsides for a while. Though psoriasis is a distressing condition, it can be effectively controlled with the right medications and lifestyle modification. 



When skin is injured, fibrous tissue called scar tissue forms over the wound to repair and protect the injury. In some cases, extra scar tissue grows, forming smooth, hard growths called keloids which may be itchy at times. Keloids need a multi-modality approach to reduce their size, thickness, redness, and itchiness.

Skin Tags Treatment in Bangalore

Skin Tags  

Skin tags are painless growths. These are common in both men and women, especially after the age of 50. They are commonly found in skin folds like the underarms, neck, and thighs. Skin tags can be removed by simple and painless procedures like RF removal. 

Wart Treatment in Bangalore


Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). They are small, fleshy asymptomatic bumps on the skin or mucous membrane. These are contagious and can be spread from one location on the body to another or from person to person. These require immediate removal.  Warts can be removed by a very simple and painless procedure, either RF removal or cryotherapy. 

Moles Treatment in Bangalore


Moles appear as small, dark brown spots and are caused by clusters of pigmented cells. Moles generally appear during childhood and adolescence but can be seen in adults too. Unwanted moles can be effectively removed by RF technology. Larger moles may require excision and closure with minimal scarring.  

Fungal Infection Treatment in Bangalore

Fungal Infection 

Fungal infections can appear as red, itchy rings on the body. It is quite common due to the humid environment as well as excessive sweating. Fungal infections are contagious. A careful examination is done to figure out the extent and severity of the infection. Patients are advised to maintain proper hygiene along with oral and topical medications.

Dark Circles Treatment in Bangalore

Dark Circles 

Common causes of dark circles include improper sleep, lack of hydration, vitamin deficiencies, constant rubbing, stress, makeup, and excessive sun exposure. A careful assessment of the underlying cause and treatment with under-eye creams, serums, oral antioxidants & certain procedures do help.  

Acne Scars Treatment in Bangalore

Acne Scars 

Acne scars are permanent textural changes and indentations that occur on the skin as a result of severe acne. These require early treatment to get the best possible improvement in skin texture. The treatments include Peels, Microneedling RF, Fractional Lasers, TCA Cross, and PRP.


Skin Treatment 

Chemical Peel Treatment in Bangalore

Chemical Peel 

Chemical peels are carried out by dermatologists as an in-clinic procedure to manage various skin concerns. The procedure involves the application of specific chemical agents in pre-determined concentrations onto the skin. 

Hydrafacial Treatment in Bangalore


All skin types can benefit from the rejuvenating skin health that a Hydra facial offers. It gives effects that are visible right away and doesn't cause redness or downtime.

Botox Treatment in Bangalore


It is popularly used these days. Muscles are relaxed with Botox treatments, which also stop wrinkles from forming in the skin. It works well to smooth out expression lines around the eyes, such as crow's feet, frown, and surprise lines on the forehead. Some people are even using the procedure as a preventive measure. 

PRP Face Treatment in Bangalore

PRP Face  

Platelet-rich plasma therapy has a high concentration of platelets which leads to the formation and release of growth factors that promote collagen formation underneath the skin. Newly formed collagen makes skin look healthier and younger and also improves fine lines. It works incredibly well for treating acne scars when combined with microneedling. 



Red itchy skin can be irritating, embarrassing, and stressful. Skin allergies can be caused by many things, including exposure to certain plants, pollen, pet dander, certain medications, or food.  Evaluation and finding out the trigger for the allergy is the main goal of treatment to prevent recurrent episodes. The patient is carefully assessed evaluated, and treated accordingly