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Hair Treatment


Hair Concerns 

Dandruff Treatment in Bangalore


Flaking of the scalp can be due to many conditions – pityriasis sicca, seborrheic dermatitis, scalp psoriasis, and fungal infections. The causative condition must be diagnosed and treated accordingly. 

Hair Loss Treatment in Bangalore

Hair Loss

Hair loss might be a temporary situation provoked by any one of the factors like stress, lack of sleep, exposure to strong chemicals, sudden weight loss, medication, blood loss, postpartum, improper diet, or medical conditions like hypothyroidism. A careful evaluation of every patient is done and treatment is planned accordingly which includes medical treatment, PRP, and scalp microneedling.  

Alopecia Areata in Bangalore

Alopecia Areata  

It is a condition wherein patients notice sudden patchy hair loss in one or more areas. In alopecia areata, the immune cells of the body attack the hair follicles, leading them to temporarily stop producing new hair. The patients have to be treated at the earliest before the patches progress in size and number. 

Hair Thinning in Bangalore

Hair Thinning  

With age, patients may start noticing loss of thickness and volume of hair and also scalp visibility.  This is called androgenetic alopecia in males and female pattern hair loss in females. Careful evaluation and trichoscopy of the scalp is done. Treatments include medical, PRP, and scalp microneedling. 


Hair Treatment 

PRP Treatment in Bangalore


The natural way to grow your hair. PRP is platelet rich plasma, and the source of this material is your own blood that is drawn by venepuncture. First, PRP is prepared by centrifuging the blood and using the plasma derived from it, it is then injected using a fine needle into your scalp.